Talqiyyan Fikriyyan: An Implementation of Rational Methods in Building Students' Critical Thinking


  • Sri Mellia Marinda Kampus Insantama, Bogor, Indonesia Author
  • Muhamad Adhi Maretnas Harapan Department of Education Management, Postgraduate Faculty, Pakuan University, Bogor, Indonesia Author
  • Rahmat Kurnia Department of Aquatic Resources Management, Faculty of Fisheries and Ocean, IPB University, Bogor, Indonesia Author
  • Muhamad Hanif Abdurrohman Faculty of Islamic and Arabic Studies, Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt Author


Critical Thinking, Islam, Rational Method, Talqiyyan Fikriyyan


Critical thinking is a requirement in modern life, especially in the Islamic environment. Islam has ordered humans to think critically to reach the truth. Besides, studies on critical thinking are still being developed in various aspects. In its implementation, mastering critical thinking may face many challenges. This study aims to analyze the problems in building critical thinking and obtain the proper method to teach this skill to students. The data is collected through a literature review related to the study topic. From the review, this study highlights how rational methods can be used fundamentally for all thinking activities, and this method is acquired through the Talqiyyan Fikriyyan concept. In addition, the concept of critical thinking in Islam is a command from Allah Ta’ala (the most glorified, the highest). Also, implementing rational methods in learning builds students’ critical thinking skills. Thus, this study suggests that the Talqiyyan Fikriyyan method can be essential for all subjects in increasing students’ critical thinking skills.


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